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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Surtex or Evteks... what to choose

A very difficult decision; what was it going to be New York or Istanbul? New York is great, Surtex finally not on our teenage-son's birthday. And Evteks, so close, and as I'm told a real 'homefashion' fair. Where I think Surtex is more for paper, cards and stationery.

Also great, but what to choose? Maybe in about two years when the kids are a bit older, we'll it split up and exhibit at both fairs at the same time. But this year we decided to exhibit at Evteks.

Visitors who will be attending Surtex, don't have to miss out on our designs. Sandra Jacobs will take some of our designs with her to New York. And we will take some of her designs with us to Istanbul. So visit her booth, i'll let you know asap which one :)

Missing New York already... the inspiring shops, nice people, and ofcourse your fabulous bakeries...
but maybe we will be there at Printsource.

ANTIQUES SHOP, address from the great book/travelguide:
A stylists guide to NY

Nice restaurant, accidently found by first entering a fishrestaurant,
but being guided through the back by one
of the staff to this great adjecent restaurant :)

best brownies :)

Nice lady, vintage jewelry shop

Nieuwe Kaarten online

Pas afgerond... en meteen online! Ik vind 'm mooi geworden. En nu nog wachten op de versie voor de winkels.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dancing in the dark

Zo, de eerste resultaten van een uurtje(?) fotograferen in de bieb. Dat was echt te kort...
Ik heb al zin in een vervolg op deze sessie, de ideeën voor een vervolg vlogen door het groepje, en ik denk dat dat vervolg er zeker gaat komen!

First results of an hour photography in the library. More to come :)

Ellis Heikamp deed de krullen enzo, Anjo van Duo Fashion bedankt voor het bloesje (er komt nog een foto waarop je het bloesje wat beter ziet);  Sophie dat is jouw petticoat. Model Vera Elgersma en Sander deed ook nog mee :)